How to install and uninstall Yahoo mail App on iPhone?

Hunting for getting simple ways through which you can install and uninstall the app of Yahoo mail on your iPhone. If the answer is yes, then all you have to do is to simply follow few steps and download the app from sites that are authentic. Following easy steps, you can easily access your Yahoo mail will help you in saving time and even properly organizing your work. Through this downloaded app on your iPhone, you can easily organize your work. Apart from this, even you can open the mails in the safari that is the iPhone browser.
In this blog, you will come across the complete and defined steps on the way of installing the app of Yahoo mail on iPhone. Follow the below explained steps:

Adding Yahoo in the iPhone mail:
·        For installing the Yahoo mail, you first need to set up the account setting of your Yahoo mail using which you can receive and send mails in your particular iPhone mail.
·        Then after, you need to click on the setting alternative positioned over the home screen of the iPhone.
·        Following these steps, you can even open your mail app on the iPhone.
·        Click on Accounts > and then further click over Add Account.
·        Type your information in the provided location after selecting the Yahoo
·        Provide the full account address of Yahoo mail and then after you provide your password in the slot given.
·        Click over to proceed further
·        Following these steps you will come across wide range of options using which you can easily access contacts, mails and notes for your specified Yahoo account.
·        Tap on save option
Way of uninstalling Yahoo Account from the iPhone mail
If you are having the app and not using, then it’s better to delete it. The deletion is needed as you continuously receive useless mails and the notification disturbs you. So for uninstalling Yahoo mail account on your iPhone, follow following steps:
·        Enter setting option in the mail account
·        Then you need to select the account for Yahoo and then switch your mail to disable option.
·        Then you further need to hide the Yahoo mail from the phone and then you won’t be able to see your account the iPhone mail list. But, if you want to delete the Yahoo mail, all you need to do is click simply at delete option located at the lower section of the screen.

For getting further help on installation and uninstall of the app of the Yahoo Mail on iPhone, simply reach out our tech support team by dialing Yahoo Tech Support Phone Number or Yahoo Technical Support Number USA

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