Way of accessing the Yahoo Mail and its integration with the social network

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The easiest way to access the Yahoo mail account is to simply type the yahoomail.com on the address bar of your specific web browser. After opening the yahoo mail you all need to do is to enter the details of the login so as to the get into the destination page which is the dashboard panel of inbox.
The simplest way to access the Yahoo mail account is above mentioned. But it is completely different story when it comes to accessing of the yahoo mail by integrating it with different social networking portals like instagrams, Facebook and many more. The first process to start with is the uploading of subscriber list to all the social media networks. There exists many reasons of doing that and few of the reasons are:

·         Relationship: This relationship mainly helps you n placing the name and identity to the subscriber of the email,

·         Listening: It is always a wise decision to follow email subscriber on the platform of social media that help you in getting much better idea about the demands and needs.

·         Community: better create a community using an engaging content using maximum searchable keywords that will help you in generating traffic to your site.

Below mentioned is the process of integrating your yahoo mail account with all the social media channels like LinkedIn, twitter, Facebook and Google Plus (G+)

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Integration with Facebook:
Steps to integrate the yahoo mail with your Facebook:(emailstechnicalsupport.com)
·         Login to your Yahoo account using authentic details.)
·         Login in your personal Yahoo mail.
·         When done with successful sign-in, move to the status section.
·         At that section you will find the option Add to Facebook.
·         Once you are done with the process, you can get to see that both your Yahoo and Facebook updates simultaneously.

Integration with Twitter for emailstechnicalsupport.com
·         Login to your Yahoo account using authentic details.
Steps to integrate the Yahoo mail with you Twitter account:
·         Access your Yahoo account by providing the login detail.
·         Visit the status section and click on the option of Add to Twitter.
·         By performing this you can easily the updates of Yahoo and Twitter simultaneously.

Integration with Google Plus (G+) and LinkedIn for emailstechnicalsupport.com
·         Login to your Yahoo account using authentic details.

·         Make a move towards the status section and click on the Google+ and LinkedIn option.
·          Once you press the option of add to LinkedIn and Google+, you will be able to access the updates of all simultaneously. 

The above mentioned steps and guidance will help you to get out of the problem while integrating the social media channels to your personalized Yahoo account. But, in any case, if you are unable to get through this or have an issue regarding any of the technical issue related to Yahoo mail, you can knock the door of our Yahoo Tech support team. Simply make a move to dial Yahoo Customer Care phone Number , Yahoo Technical Support ()or Yahoo Technical support phone Number +1(877)885-4824  and get the easiest possible guidance for solving your technical issues.

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