How to change the display of welcome page in Yahoo

Yahoo is considered as one of the fastest email service provider across the world and users love to use it. The main reason behind its preference is its user friendly features like fast mail sending, easy assessable and quite easy to use. This Yahoo can be opened from any of your preferred browser like Safari, Internet explorer, Chrome, Firefox and many more. But, as being a technical part, the user may come across many variable technical faults that can hinder your working experience.

You can use any of your nicknames while using Yahoo as the users of this platform are not judgmental. Yahoo benefits you with a feature that enables you to change the name as per your need and wish when contacting with others. You can easily go with the process when referring to you at the upper section of the welcome page. This can even occur in any other web page of the Yahoo where you can visualize a word “hi” and your picture. This particular change doesn’t affect the particular name that is used for sending any message from the account of Yahoo mail. 

Below explained is the easy to follow steps for changing the welcome page display:
  •   First start the process by log in to the personalized Yahoo account.
  •   Keep holding the cursor on to your present used name till the opening of the menu and then opt the account setting.
  • In the account info rectangle, click anywhere. Then re-enter the password and further hit the button of sign in.
  •  Moving ahead, hit on the link of "".
  • Enter the name that you want to show as your welcome of Yahoo in the second of the three inboxes that is labeled “name”. The box mainly holds first name of yours. The other two inputs are not highlighted on the page of the welcome.
  • After completing the above explained steps, hit over the save option.

The steps that are explained above will help you in changing your welcome page. The above mentioned steps are elaborated and explained by qualified professionals. For any further enquiry, directly get into the Yahoo technical team by dialing Yahoo Technical Support phone number  1877-885-4824 or Yahoo Customer Care Number USA 1877-885-4824.